
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Three short essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Three short questions - Essay ExampleIn such a state, governance has no rights to deny its citizens the rights to do whatsoeverthing. Citizens are free to do allthing and at any time. They are allowed to access any material and use any property so long as it does not affect anyone. The government in such a state has no rights to tax its citizens and to measure up its citizens from doing any form of business or activity. Nozick advocates for such a state and says it has respects for a persons virtuous rights (Wolterstorff & Cuneo 89). The next state is the welfare state where citizens are the source of the political will, and they are given the venture to participate in its formation, they are also, the subjects against which the institution will be judged, and they depend upon states free services, programs and general items for their gratification materially. I prefer the welfare state, as it has laws that guarantee persons safety at all times. It is one in which the heads of the government so selected to rule over the subjects have some responsibility to satisfy their citizens. The form of government in Europe differs with that in the United States in that, in Europe, there is use of democratic monarchy while, in the United States, they use welfare liberal democracy. Use of the monarchy system does not allow multiple parties to rival in an election. Only one royal family inherits the throne throughout the countrys history (Wolterstorff & Cuneo 78). promontory 2 Nikita is one of my favorite exposure shows. It concerns a young girl who was abducted by a concealed government body and trained to be an assassin, but she fled from them and started to work against them. In the movie, there are some(prenominal) artistic styles used. These qualify it as art. According to David Humes theory, every(prenominal) artistic thing, is goodish provided it is appealing to an individual (Ascott & Shanken 34). idiosyncratic tastes are acceptable and allowed to be referred to as art. Owing to this, the movie Nikita is a good art. Using the fair game centered theory, an art, is classified on the objects qualities and not what it represents or expresses. This also is in line with the movie as the objects used to pass the message are well organized and have good qualities. The progress of the movie is also well structured and this classifies the movie as being good. The next theory that art is judged against is in consideration of the limits of formalism. In this theory, any piece of art is rated against the qualities of the objects as well as the context and content. Considering Nikita as a piece of art, it actually passes this test as all characters are usually well train in accordance to the occasion and have quality content, which they deliver. I also rated art against expression. A good piece of art is supposed to be expressive. It should explain its meaning and the message in it by itself. It does not need explanations to be clear. Accor ding to Leo Tolstoy, art should also be emotional. The objects used should show emotions with every word and body movement used. Every body language used should show emotions. John Dewey, an American pragmatist, views art with reference to the writers thoughts and feelings. He gathered this from experience. He says that before a poet does any art, then it is

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