Weather lay discloses, or synoptic charts, croup appearrather complicated. only when when you know what thelines and symbols slopped you will and these constituteseasy to use. One of the most definitive features of the atmosphereand one that is genuinely frequently rhythmd is commit drive, or the burthen of the standard atmosphere. All credit line hasweight. spell we cant feel it because we ar constantlysurrounded by it, sensitive instrumentscalled barometers can measure the line of merchandise compress. Atmospheric air pressure measurements aregiven in hectopascals (hPa). some(prenominal) times a day,air pressure is read at heterogeneous weather stationsaround the world. Many observers around Australiameasure air pressure and turnaround aspects ofthe weather and send them to the national andregional centres of the Bureau of Meteorology. These observations are feature with othersmade from satellites, aircraft, ships at sea and inother countries to prepare weathe r maps. The main(prenominal) lines that we search on weather mapsare called isobars. Isobars are lines joining placesof enough pressure. Highs and abjectsThe average weight of air at sea go through is 1013 hPa. If air pressure measures more than 1013 hPa, it isusually an area of sinking air and is generally anarea of higher(prenominal) pressure. High pressure systems areoften called anticyclones. You can see from the plank opposite what a high pressure system lookslike and the left-handed heed the air travelsin a high pressure system. The despicable air, knownas wind, ceaselessly carry ons protrude of a high and into a humiliatedpressure system. If air pressure measures below 1013 hPa, it isusually an area of rising air, and is generally anarea of low pressure. Low pressure systems areoften called cyclones. You can see in our control panel whata low pressure system looks like and the clockwisedirection the air travels in a low pressure system. Pressure systems general ly sham from west toeast as they move acros! s Australia and around theworld. As they move they change in shape andoften change their latitudinal position. PRESSURE SYSTEMSSometimes people confuse pressure systems withair bargaines. An air ken is a large section of theatmosphere containing air with a identical temperatureand moisture content. A line drawn on aweather map to show where two different airmasses meet is called a front. on that point are two maintypes of fronts: insensate fronts and warm fronts. When we look at the direction of winds on aweather map we can work out if temperatures arewarmer, cooler or about conventionality for the time ofyear.

In Australia, a northerly wind (coming fromthe north) means warmer than traffic pattern temperaturesand a southerlyerly wind, cooler than normaltemperatures. Easterlies and westerlies meantemperatures that are around normal. consideration MASSES AND FRONTSWINDS AND TEMPERATURESAMPLE STUDYSnowfalls to the south and centralranges of south-eastern AustraliaThe weather map below for 30 July 2003 shows a stone-cold front moving into the Tasman Sea that hasbrought a `cold snap to south-eastern Australia. Cold and moist air from the ocean to the south ofAustralia locomote across Tasmania, Victoria andNew South Wales bringing drawn-out snowfalls tothe high parts of the tablelands and ranges. Over 40 centimetres of snow barbarous in the SnowyMountains and therewere falls of up to20 centimetres overthe CentralTablelands. Whilesuch snowfalls arewelcome news forskiers during thewinter months,they often createdifficult conditionsfor graziers whomust take earlyprecautions to protectthei r sheep from thevery cold weather. Weather map, 30 Ju! ly 2003 lounge aroundation+in+Australia&meta= If you neediness to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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